2002Cultural Affinity Proclamation |
From the Government of Benin |
"Le MATINAL" No. 1196 |
Every year, the month of February is Black History Month. Under the auspices of the Minister of State Bruno Amoussou ,The Republic of Benin joins the international community to celebrate this event with the following proclamation which we are pleased to present. |
In support of economic development and the emergence of international economic exchange, and for the successful initiatives planned during the Black History Month Observance , both Nationally and Internationally during February of 2002; and |
Whereas the American and Canadian descendents of the first African slaves in the New World, and lands of the Black Diaspora annually celebrate their achievements in the area of philosophy, culture, the sciences and technology, business , economic development, and the growth of commerce, during the annual Black History Month celebration, and |
Whereas the author of the Black History Month Observance invites governments and the citizens of African Nations to issue proclamations in favor of Black History, and in support of cultural affinity between those peoples who encourage cultural and educational institutions , community organizations, the business community, and religious communities to celebrate the 37th Anniversary of the founding of Black History Month, and the 5th Anniversary of the International Black History Month Observance, that were both conceived by the celebrated Africanist Dr. Robert Starling Pritchard, which history recognizes as the first American concert pianist of African origin to appear on a commercial recording.. and |
Whereas in this year of 2002, the racial and cultural bonds still exist between the citizens and peoples of the African continent and their brothers and sisters of the new world , as well as in the lands of the African Diaspora separated by Mother Africa during the holocaust that was caused by slavery from the 15th to the 19th century, and because of the horrors, atrocities and cruelties that were inflicted , far exceeds the horrors of any other treatment that human beings of Europe were subjected to during the 19th and 20th century, and for which reparations to this day have never been forthcoming in the name of inhuman, criminal ,pro slavery governments of Europe and America. These bonds are strengthened ,as we recognize the major role and contributions of Black people to the development of the dominant cultures of the world ( as was magnificently illustrated by the First World Festival of Black Arts, that former President of Senegal, His Excellency Leopold Sedar Senghor organized , based on the proposal of the celebrated Africanist Dr. Robert Starling Pritchard , as well as the Festival of Black Arts in New York which was presented as the first celebration of the Black History Month Observance, and |
Whereas the major themes developed during the last 36 annual celebrations of Black History Month in the USA and Canada, as well as the last five annual observances of the International Black History Month Observance in Africa and the Black nations of the Caribbean have emphasized the necessity for the peoples of African origin to play a more important role in commerce , technology, economic development, cultural and educational exchange as a prelude to a greater responsibility in the new international economic order, at the heart of which the peoples of African origin will enjoy the same rights and equity -of-access to the same sources of capital and investments, as well as a greater involvement in international commerce , as well as having greater participation in private sector business circles in developed non African countries, and |
Whereas the actual achievement of these objectives are in the interest of peoples of African origin and have great symbolic value , I therefore proclaim the month of February as Black History Month, and I hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Republic of Benin in the city of Cotonou, this month of February, 2002. |
The Minister of State, Government of Benin |
M. Bruno Amoussou |
See also Speech on Reparations delivered by Sonny Scroggins (a Topeka Kansas Member of the BHM State and Regional Founder's Commission prepared upon the Pa/Pa's position paper on Reparations |
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