1965 |
In February 1965 in New York City, the month-long AFNA (American Festival of Negro Arts) was launched by the Panamerican Association (an unincorporated not-for-profit organization, precursor to the Panamerican-Panafncan Association). The Foundation's Chairman, Dr. Robert Starling Pritchard established AFNA, from a Panafricanist perspective, as the first Black History Month Observance. AFNA was the American precursor to the Premier Festival Mondial des Arts Negres (First World Festival of Negro Arts), held in Dakar, Senegal, 1966. Both the AFNA and the World Festival were concepts and funding proposals commissioned in 1960 from Dr. Pritchard by the Council of Ministers of the Federation du Mali (the federated Governments of Senegal and Mali) and the Paris-Dakar-based Presence Africaine. The Black History Month Observance supplanted the celebration of Negro History Week, originally established by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, venerated as the "Father of Black Studies" in 1926. Subsequent to 1965, the National/International Observance of Black History Month was administered from the then Washington, D.C.-based Panamerican Association offices. |
1969-70 |
Organized hemisphere-wide Louis Moreau Gottschalk Centenary Observance, which included numerous concerts, recitals and lectures. The highlights were a Gottschalk Concert Gala at the Pan American Union in Washington, D.C. featuring pianists John Kirkpatrick, Alan Mandel, Robert Starling Pritchard and Mme. Guiomar Novaes, co-sponsored by the Organization of American States, and the Concurso Internacional Louis Moreau Gottschalk para Pianistas y Compositores (First L.M. Gottschalk International Competition for Pianists and Composers) held at Dillard University, New Orleans, LA. Proceeds from the recording of. the Pan American Union Concert (Vox Turnabout TV-S 34426), "Louis Moreau Gottschalk: A Centennial. Concert" were earmarked for the Peruvian Disaster Relief Fund, administered through the Cultural Section of the OAS. |
1970 |
Organized Concert on Peace and Reconciliation, in association with the National Moratorium Committee at DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. Featured artists included Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, Odetta, Dave Brubeck, Lorin Hollander and Tenor George Shirley, et. al. Joseph Eger, Associate Conductor of the American Symphony Orchestra, conducted a symphony composed of members of the Peabody Conservatory Chamber Ensemble augmented by musicians of the greater Washington area. Maestro Leopold Stokowski and Maestro Arthur Fiedler were Honourary Patrons of the event. |
1971 |
Established Student-Intern Programme, in association with the "sister foundation" of the Two Foundations-al-"Applecrest," the Kahre-Richardes Family Foundation, Inc. The Student-Intern Programme combined domestic and international travel, independent study and field work in "classroom of the world" settings which paralleled the international activities of the Foundation. |
1971 |
Assisted in the organization of world premiere performance of "A Symphony of Brotherhood" (dedicated to the late Dr. Martin Luther King) by Swedish Composer Jan Carlstedt. The performance took place at Philharmonic Hall, Lincoln Center. The Symphony of the New World was conducted by James De.Preist. |
1972 |
Pritchard Concert Ensemble toured Central and Southern Africa, culminating with a Command Performance before Zambian President Kenneth David Kaunda, Zambian Cabinet Ministers and foreign Diplomatic Corps at State House, Lusaka, Zambia. While in Central Africa, Foundation delegation conferred with leadership of African Liberation Movements from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Angola and Namibia. The Concert Tour benefited families of Zimbabwean Freedom Fighters. |
1972 |
Organized tour of American Colleges for Dancer-Choreographer Sylvia del Villard's Afro-Puerto Rican Folkloric Company, in association with the Instituto de Cultura de Puerto Rico. |
1972 |
Organized Memorial Concert at Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY, in homage to assassinated Israeli athletes of 1972 Olympics. Pianist Robert Starling Pritchard performed with area artists. City, County and Congressional elected officials, the Regional Director of the NY State Division of Human Rights and area religious community attended. |
1973 |
Launched nationwide survey to assess scholarship offerings and resources in American Colleges and Universities for students from such occupied African territories as South West Africa (Namibia, Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique). |
1973 |
Organized tour of American Colleges and high schools for Los Supays, Bolivian Folkloric Ensemble |
1973 |
Organized Concert Gala Benefit in Syracuse, NY to raise funds for the Zambia-based Tiyeni Pamodzi Welfare Trust (which provided scholarships and various forms of relief for students and victims of violence in the then-unfree nations of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, Guinea-Bissau and South Africa). Headlining the list of star attractions at the Concert were world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali, the Zambian Deputy Ambassador, and nationally-known performing artists. The founding in Lusaka, Zambia of the Tiyeni Pamodzi Welfare Trust was facilitated by the Panamerican-Panafrican Association. |
1973 |
Ethnic News Service established as a Foundation Permanent Programme Unit to provide news coverage, analysis and commentary, on major domestic and international issues to a multi-ethnic/multi-cultural/multi-religious readership. ENS reports manifested particular sensitivity to and understanding of the ethnic/cultural/racial dimensions involved in reporting/"news," in an effort to eliminate the racialist distortions that permeated much of the White-owned media's news reportage, particularly on domestic ethnic and developing world issues. |
1971, 1973, 1974 |
Developed concept of "A Multi-Ethnic Approach to Total Education," which provided the philosophic basis for the Ethnic Heritage Studies Act (Title IX of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1972), widely regarded as one of the most progressive pieces of education legislation since Reconstruction. The Foundation-sponsored public education/advocacy conferences throughout the U.S. eventually became the spawning ground for the national dialogue on Multi-Ethnicity, the Transcultural Experience and today's concept of Multi-Culturalism. Multi-Ethnic Studies Conferences were held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1971; at the Ukrainian Workingmen`s Association's resort center, "Verkhovyna," Glen Spey, NY, 1973; and Mankato State University (Minnesota),' 1974. The latter Conference included numerous concerts-by multi-ethnic; performing artists. |
Developed Proposal and acted as advocate for a Multi-Ethnic Studies Programme for a Midwestern State University funded by the U.S. Office of Education under the Ethnic Heritage Studies Act. |
1974 |
Dr Pritchard presented keynote speech "Multi-Culturalism: The 'Fulfillment-of Prophecy' Through Education" before the Association of College Unions-International Conference at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada. |
1975 |
Pritchard Concert Ensemble appeared in Command Performance before President Kenneth David Kaunda of Zambia on the occasion of his State Visit to Washington, D.C. |
1975 |
Pritchard Concert Ensemble performed a fund raising concert at the Red Mountain School, an alternative educational facility in Birmingham, Alabama. |
1975 |
Alarmed by the proliferation of White Supremacist Organizations in the U.S., the Panamerican-Panafrican Association launched the "National Demonstration Project to Counter Extremism," with the support of the National Council of Churches member-denominations. The Foundation's Student-Interns and Senior Staff undertook research papers on the subject of such right-wing extremist organizations as the Ku Klux Klan, American Nazi Party, Posse Comitatus, etc. In addition to "ritual confrontations" at Ku Klux Klan rallies in both New York State and at the Klan "Mecca" in Stone Mountain, Georgia, the Foundation filed public interest litigation in Federal Court against the Klan, which significantly reduced Klan recruitment successes in New York State and throughout the nation. |
1976 |
Organized Concert Gala Salute honouring the Organization of African Unity's 13th Anniversary and the U.S. Bicentennial under the patronage of the African Group of States at the United Nations. The programme was held in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations and featured an all-Black symphonic orchestra, the HBCU choirs of Morehouse and Spelman Colleges, and an international array of world-renowned solo performers. The Benefit Programme raised funds for the O.A.U. Special Programs for Cultural and Humanitarian Relief. |
1976 |
Upon the invitation of the African Group of States and the United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, Dr. Pritchard presented a Foundation paper on the Transnational Cultural Embargo Against South Africa before a United Nations-sponsored Conference Against Apartheid in Havana, Cuba. |
1978 |
At the International NGO Conference for Action Against Apartheid, organized in cooperation with the U.N. Special Committee Against Apartheid in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. Pritchard presented a Foundation position paper entitled "The Anatomy, Diagnosis and Surgery of an Anti-Apartheid Embargo Operation upon the South African Culture & Leisure Industry." Substantive portions of the text of the Foundation's paper were later incorporated into the International Culture & Sports Embargo against South Africa. The Foundation's Resident Attorney also submitted a paper: "Broadening the Anti-Apartheid Offensive: Legal Initiatives in Domestic Courts." |
1978 |
Organized Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration Concerts, co-sponsored by the Commission for the Elimination of Racism of the Council of Churches of the City of New York. The Concerts took place at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and The Riverside Church, New York City. The Festival of the New World Symphony and Harlem Philharmonic performed with the Byrne Cemp Chorale and soloists in works bv Robert Starling Pritchard and Padre Jose Mauricio Nunes-Garcia, a member of the Black Guild of Ecclesiastical Composers of the Baroque and pre-Classical eras in Brazil. |
1979 |
Organized day-long Conference at United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium to press for further escalation of Artists` and Entertainers` boycott of South Afnca. |
1979 |
Foundation delegation met in Chicago with Minister Warith Deen Muhammad of the American Muslim Mission, inviting him to accept a Kenneth David Kaunda Award for Humanism. |
1979 |
Foundation delegation met with Mr. Zehdi Labib Terzi, Representative of the Observer Mission of the Palestine Liberation Organization to the United Nations on an informational visit. |
1979, 1980, 1981 |
Conceived, sponsored and organized annual Kenneth David Kaunda Awards for Humanism, held in 1979 at “Applecrest” (the Foundation`s English Tudor Estate Headquarters) and in 1980 and 1981 at the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United |
Nations. The Awards, honouring the humanistic philosophy of Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda, recognized members of the international community for their "contributions to human betterment, reverence for human dignity, acceptance of a commitment to Humanism." Amongst the awardees were: Jamaican Ambassador Alfred Rattray; Civil and Human Rights Activist Conrad Lynn, Esq.; South African Poet and Professor Dennis Brutus; Jamaican Prime Minister H.E. Michael Manley; Nicaraguan Minister of Culture Fr. Ernesto Cardenal; former President of Angola. H.E. Dr. Agostinho Nelo (posthumously); Palestinian West Bank Mayors Bassam Shak'a and Karim Khalaf; Author and Civil Rights Activist John Howard Griffin (posthumously); Scholar and Anthropologist The Baron Dr. Alexander Von Wuthenau; World Bank Vice-President Mr. Timothy Thahane; Nobel Prize-winning Economist Sir William Arthur Lewis; Author Alex Haley; President Jimmy Carter, et. al. The Awards programmes also featured works by Black Brazilian Baroque and pre-Classical Composers and African-American Composers. |
1980 |
Hosted at the Baldwinsville, NY Foundation-Estate Headquarters, a lecture by The Baron Dr. Alexander von Wuthenau, author of "Unexpected Faces in Ancient America, 1500 B.C.-1500 A.D. - The Historical Testimony of Pre-Columbian Artists." This world renowned anthropologist-archaeologist, based in Mexico City, lectured on the pre-Columbian presence of Semitic, Negroid and Asiatic peoples in the Americas. |
1980 |
Provided assistance for two South African high school students from Soweto who were fleeing South Africa, classified as refugees under UNHCR. Foundation promoted the students' musical careers. Dr. Pritchard drew a historic connection by referring to the "deliverance" of the students as taking place on the "South Afnca-U.S. Underground Railroad." |
1981 |
Organized fund raising performance for St. Philip's Boys Choir of Buffalo with Buffalo Philharmonic, conducted by Maestro Julius Rudel. The programme featured the North American Premiere of "Laudate Pueri," composed by the Black Composer of the Brazilian Baroque Era, Fr. Jose Mauricio Nunes-Garcia, in its original form for Boy's Choir, Woodwinds, Strings and Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass Soloists. |
1983 |
Hosted Receptions for African-American Actor P.J. Sidney and noted Journalist/Advertising Executive Thomas Johnson. |
1985 |
Annual Passover Seder first held at "Applecrest," to which are invited a multi-ethnic/multi-religious/multi-national array of guests to participate in the traditional Jewish ritual marking passage from slavery to freedom, with a liturgy applicable to all people suffering oppression. |
1986 |
Hosted a Debutante's Ball at "Applecrest" in which Dr. Pritchard presented a San Francisco 18-year old Debutante to Society, which became the country's first multi-ethnic Debutante's Ball. The weekend of activities featured the Ball, a Sunday Morning Musicale and Brunch on the 80-foot "Applecrest" Grand Terrace. Amongst the prominent guests were Zambian Ambassador Paul Lusaka and Central New York Congressman, George Wortley. |
1986 |
Sponsored one week residency at "Applecrest" for noted African-American Artist Elton Fax. |
1987 |
Initiated Sino-U.S. Sports and Cultural Exchange with Shanghai, China Culture and Sports Commission and with All-China Sports Federation,. Xinjiang Province. |
1987 |
As an advocate of the Constitutionally-guaranteed Right of Free Speech, Dr. Pritchard delivered a Welcoming Address on behalf of the Syracuse Community on the occasion of a lecture by the highly-controversial Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan at a Syracuse University Student Afro-American Society-sponsored event. |
1988 |
Pennsylvania, nation's oldest institution of higher education for African and African-American students. Artists included Soprano Afrika Hayes (daughter of legendary American Tenor Roland Hayes); Mezzo Soprano Elvira Green (of the Metropolitan Opera); Tenor Gregory Hopkins (known as the "Black Pavarotti"); Bass-Baritone James Pierce; Pianists Robert Starling Pritchard, Henri-Georges Polgar and Sylvia Olden Lee (first Black Coach at the Metropolitan Opera). |
1988 |
Presented Black History Month Founder's Concert at "Applecrest" featuring Pianists Robert Starling Pritchard and Henri-Georges Polgar, Soprano Afrika Hayes, Tenor Joseph Gilmore and Poetry Readings by famed Civil Rights Attorney and Poet William Kunstler. |
1988 |
Hosted Reception in New York City Townhouse of Dr. Sherwood and Mrs. Ruth Jacobson (Patrons of the Arts and friends of Dr. Pritchard for over 30 years) for Head of Government and Cabinet Ministers of the Southern African Kingdom of Lesotho (who were attending a United Nations Conference on Disarmament). |
1989 |
Organized Black History Month Concert at Lincoln University in Memory of Composer Undine Smith Moore, which presented her work, "Scenes from the Life of a Martyr" for Chorus/Soloists. Narrator and Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kermit Moore. Noted actor Roscoe Lee Browne performed as narrator. Soprano Lynda Elliot, Mezzo Soprano Doris Mayes, Tenor Gregory Hopkins, and Bass-Baritone Robert McFerrin also performed in the programme. |
1989 |
Hosted Martin Luther King Holiday Soul Food/Multi-Ethnic Buffet Reception at "Applecrest" featuring performance by Bass-Baritone, James Pierce. The Reception was designed to create a precedent for Observances of the new national MLK Holiday in the American home. |
1990 |
Hosted Martin Luther King Buffet Reception and Chamber Music Soiree Musicale at “Applecrest” featuring performance by Crouse String Quartet, including two new works by African-American Composers. |
1990 |
Hosted two Pre-Passover and Eastertide Recitals at “Applecrest” presenting Ruth Rubin, leading authority on Yiddish Folk Music, and Lyric Soprano Afrika Hayes. The Soiree Musicale was broadcast nationwide on National Public Radio. Both Recitals were supported in part by funds from the New York Council for the Humanities. |
The Soiree Musicale was broadcast nationwide on National Public Radio. Both Recitals, were supported in part by funds from the New York Council for the Humanities. |
1990 |
Co-hosted with the African National Congress a sculpture/art exhibit of works by the eminent South African Sculptor and Graphic Artist, Dumile Feni at "Applecrest." |
The Foundation also organized and sponsored an exhibit of Dumile`s art at an exclusive reception at the Oakland, California Convention Center honouring Nelson Mandela during his historic visit to the United States. During the Mandelas` visit to Oakland, Dumile presented the South African leader with one of his works of art. |
1991 |
Hosted Art Exhibit of the “Africana Series” of paintings by California Artist Jeane Granada Coutts “Applecrest." |
1991 |
In collaboration with the Africa-Cultures International Institute, Cotonou, Benin (West Africa), assisted in organizing the “World Council of Panafrican Organizations,” which commemorated the World Day of Anti-Apartheid Movements (marking the release of Nelson Mandela from prison) and Afncan-American History Month. The Foundation provided coordinating and fund raising services for the Benin not-for-profit organization. A highlight of the Benin Conference was the awarding of an Honourary Doctorate Degree by the National University of Benin to Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of Cape Town, South Africa, upon the initiative of the Executive Director of the Foundation, Dr. Antoine J. Polgar. The Panamerican-Panafrican Association nominated Archbishop Tutu for the honour and was instrumental in arranging the Archbishop's presence at the Awards Ceremony, presided over by Benin`s Minister of National Education. It was the first Honourary Degree by an African University conferred upon Archbishop Tutu. The Conference was administered in cooperation with the American Cultural Center of the U.S. Embassy in Benin. The Foundation also hosted Founding President and Administrator of Africa-Cultures International Institute on his visit to the U.S. and introduced him to leading national figures such as Rev. Jesse Jackson. |
1991 |
Concert Pianist/Composer Robert Starling Pritchard invited to perform as Celebrety Guest Artist at Gala Inaugural Ceremonies of the Kuwait-America Foundation, which took place at the Merrywood Estate outside of Washington, DC (childhood home of the late Jacqueline Kennedy). Dr. Pritchard also received an official appointment as a Charter Member of the Foundation. |
1991 |
“Juneteenth" Address by Dr. Pritchard delivered in Checotah, Oklahoma by member o Oklahoma African-American History Month Founder`s Commission called for National Day of Remembrance and Mourning for the Martyrs of the Holocaust of the Euro-American Trade of Enslaved Africans and the Victims of the Middle Passage, on the first Sunday of February of each year, and the Erection of a National Monument to the Innominate Slave to serve as a symbol of all victims of genocide and ethnocide who, like Africans, have suffered the degradation of slavery. |
1992 |
Hosted Reception presenting His Imperial Majesty Amha Selassie I and Her Imperial Majesty Medferiash Work, Emperor and Empress of Ethiopia and Entourage at "Applecrest." Dr. Pritchard had been appointed in September 1991 to serve the Emperor of Ethiopia as American Cultural Advisor to the Ethiopian Royal Family. |
1992 |
Sponsored the American Debut of the Royal Ethiopian Philharmonic Orchestra in Concert at DAR Constitution Hall, Washington. D.C., featuring Martina Arroyo, Soprano; Gregory Hopkins, Tenor; HBCU Choirs of Hampton and Langston Universities in masterworks by New World Composers of African Descent. The Foundation organized the Command Performance before the Emperor and Empress of Ethiopia as a benefit concert to provide humanitarian relief for victims of famine, drought and repression in Ethiopia. |
1993 |
Hosted Thanksgiving Holiday Reception at "Applecrest" in honour of visit of the first Black South African Diplomat attached to the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C., Mr. Paul Jacobs, and his family. Mr. Jacobs, an accomplished actor, playwright and director in South Africa, performed a trilogy of his "Monodramas" on Apartheid themes during the Gala Reception. |
1993 |
Hosted Opening Night Holiday Gala Reception for the State Ballet Theatre of Russia/Moscow Ballet, following their performance of "The Nutcracker" in Syracuse, NY. Special Guests included Mr. Vadim Smirnov, Senior Counselor in Charge of Media and Public Affairs at the Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations, and family. A Special U.S.-Russia Cultural Exchange Salute in the form of commendations from the Deputy Director for Eastern Europe, U.S.I.A., Morris Jacobs; Chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts, Jane Alexander; Chairperson of the New York State Council on the Arts, Kitty Carlisle Hart; Russian Federation Ambassador to the United Nations Yuliy M. Vorontsov; Onondaga County Executive, Nicholas Pirro and Onondaga County Cultural Resources Council Executive Director Jerold Bechard were.read and presented on the occasion. Artist-in-Residence Kevin Powell presented Mr. Smimov one of his framed Cut-Sculptures. ;: |
1994 |
Participated in Martin Luther King Day "Love Thy Neighbor" Programme hosted by the Menninger Clinic and Foundation in Topeka, Kansas. Foundation Chairman R.S. Pritchard presented Keynote Address and performed in concert with Boston Coloratura Soprano Andrea Bradford, French-American Pianist Henri-Georges Polgar, and South African Actor-Director Paul Jacobs. |
Foundation Artist-in-Residence Kevin John Powell's framed Cut-Sculptures were on exhibit in the White Concert Hall during the "Love Thy Neighbor" day-long programme. Mr. Powell also presented one of his oeuvres to Dr. Walter Menninger to be added to the renowned art collection held by the Menninger Foundation. |
In meetings with Menninger Foundation President, CEOand Director, Drs. Walter; and Roy Menninger, Dr. Pritchard proposed collaboration between Menninger Clinic and the Panamerican-Panafrican Association on an International Conference to focus on the public mental health ills of homophobia; a National Conference on Youth Gang Growth and Rising Homelessness; and a study on the impact of violence on television upon children. |
While in Kansas, Dr. Pritchard also debated the Grand Dragon of the Texas Ku Klux Klan on a Topeka ra dio station. |
1994 |
Foundation Artist-in-Residence Kevin Powell presented one of his framed Cut-Sculptures to the Deputy Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United, Nations, H.E. Mr. Evgeny N. Deineko, on behalf of the Ambassador, at a Reception held in his and Foundation colleagues' honour at the Russian Federation Mission in New York. |
Mr. Powell also presented a framed Cut-Sculpture to Dr. Sherwood and Mrs. Ruth Jacobson, Patrons of the Arts and members of the Board of the Foundation at New York City's National Arts Club. . ". |
1994 |
During African-American History Month, the Foundation issued "Declarations of Cultural Affinity" to African Embassies in Washington, D.C. and their Missions to the United Nations in affirmation of the cultural "ties that bind" African-Americans and their kith and kin in the Motherland/Fatherland Africa and throughout the lands of the African Diaspora. These Declarations served to further internationalize the Black History Month Observance, founded by Dr. Pritchard in New York City in 1965, upon a Panafricanist concept. |